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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Jumping In With Both Feet

Why am I like this?

I can barely sew. I've done a few projects, mostly simple things, and I jump in with both feet. This isn't like knitting where all you need is some needles and yarn. Sewing requires a ton of supplies and a lot of them are expensive. So of course, I continue to jump in with both feet.

Like joining a sewing club that is far beyond my abilities.

My latest folly? I signed up for an online beginner's sewing class which includes three beginner level patterns. This isn't bad, right? I've been through the beginner's sewing class on Craftsy and I needed more than what was there. And while they do have a ton of sewing classes, I'm unsure which ones would be smart to try next. That's why this other class seemed like such a good idea.

And maybe it was? I'm only three classes in and a lot of what I've seen so far covers things I already know because I have made a few items--some more successfully than others. But one of the things I really appreciated about this class was the list of items that you need to sew. With links!

Of course, I bought a few things. I did rein myself in. If there was a decent substitute or if I could put off the purchase, I did. Because I went fabric shopping.

That's right. I went fabric shopping for the first two projects for the class. Fabric shopping is always overwhelming for me, especially since I'm never sure if I'm buying the right thing and I'm doing it online where there's really not much help and no ability to touch anything.

It gets better. The skirt needed buttons. I don't know why it's so difficult to find cute buttons that aren't $2 each, but it is. I finally found some stuff that was a little different on Etsy (outside of the boycott week!) that I bought. And of course, there were other cute buttons there that would be cool for other (theoretical) projects that I also bought.

I'm still trying to figure out why I got like this, jumping in with both feet instead of wading in, but here we go again.