***Warning: There might be spoilers. The movie was released in 2013.***
It's the time of year when I watch romantic movies. The one I'm talking about today is called One Small Hitch and I streamed it with Amazon Prime.
Our heroine is Molly (Aubrey Dollar) and our hero is Josh (Shane McRae). They've known each other all their lives and Josh is friends with Molly's older brother. They're both on their way to a wedding in Chicago, and before they arrive, they agree to pretend to be engaged.
Josh's father is dying and they want to make him happy and Molly is getting family pressure. They do admit to a couple of people from the beginning that they're only pretending.
I expected this movie to be shallower than it was. More surface stuff and happy ending and all that. It wasn't. The movie opens with Molly discovering her boyfriend is married. Josh is a player and while they're in Chicago, he's hooking up with some woman he knew in high school or something like that. And got caught by his mother in a hotel when he was with this friend with benefits.
There's also some seriousness because Josh's father is dying and there are no miracles.
Overall, I liked the movie. Molly and Josh were engaging characters and I was rooting for them to be together. I did not like Josh sleeping with that other woman while he was pretending to be engaged to Molly. You'd think he could manage to keep his hands off other women for the time he was in Chicago.
The other thing that made me scratch my head was their stay in Chicago was extended. What did Molly and Josh do about their jobs? What about their apartments? Their mail? Did friends handle everything for them? But still, didn't they run out of vacation time? I mean they're gone long enough for Josh to work at his father's business in Chicago.
There is a happy ending and a little surprise amid the credits at the end, so don't immediately turn it off if you decide to stream it.
With the caveats I mention in this review, I say if you're looking for something to watch, you could do worse than One Small Hitch. It's not all sunshine and roses and it does violate some romance novel protocols, but it was a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.