Back in April, I was writing a scene for Wicked Persuasion and I needed to describe a tree in a park. This scene was set in my fictional country of Puerto Jardin in a central city park in Trujillo.
I like pictures of places I'm writing and I had the park picture up on my right monitor. I'm writing on the left monitor. I have Deck and Frankie walk to the bench under this tree and sit down. It's a beautiful tree. It looks vaguely familiar.
With that top of mind, I figure it must be a very well known type of tree because I'm no botanist. A quick online search and I'll have the name of the tree.
That's not the way it worked. I spent twenty minutes (maybe more) looking and never found it. I did have some other South American tree names that I could use, so I started writing again.
And when I got to my description I called it a (drum roll please) tree.
That's right. All that research and I used none of it.
But wait, it gets better. I ended up cutting the scene entirely a few hours later.
Yes, this is what it's really like to be an author.