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Thursday, July 06, 2023

Update on Wicked Persuasion

I'm writing this post on June 25th. I have a break in writing at the moment. I just finished the second round of edits on Wicked Persuasion and emailed them back to my editor.

All systems are still go for the August 8th release date.

Round 2 of revisions is the hardest round. This is the one where I really get into the weeds. There was also a sort of major issue toward the end of book. It was a plot point that didn't work, I tried to fix it in round 1 of revisions, but my editor said it still didn't work.

I came up with ideas on how to shore it up and make it strong enough to work. And then after correcting everything else, I did a read through and realized she was right. It didn't work and it didn't matter how much shoring up I did, it was never going to work.

I needed Plan B.

It took some percolation, but I came up with an answer and I've spent the past few days implementing it. Luckily, it was toward the end of the book because there were tentacles reaching out every direction. Now, I wait for round 3 of revisions and hope my editor thinks this new way of handling things worked. If not, it's back to the drawing board.

Fingers crossed!