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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Office AKA The Disaster Zone

I am very obsessive about my house remaining clean and uncluttered. The only place I've regularly failed at maintaining order is my office. This is a Grade A Disaster Zone.

(Picture at left is shortly after the desk system was installed. Pre-disaster zone.)

This makes me so unhappy. It makes me cranky. It's inspired me to buy a lot of storage bins, but I haven't had time to do much about it.

Today, though, I had a few spare minutes and I decided to tackle on of my stackers. (Okay, official name is stackable tray.) I have one that's loaded with paper and I was confident I could get rid of a lot of what was stuffed in there. I was right. But I also found some magical things that I forgotten existed.

Notes I'd made for Finn and Zo (Wicked Intention) and a timeline for Ryder and Langley (Wicked Obsession). I found notes for the next book in the Jarved Nine series (which I never wrote) and notes for the next book in the Blood Feud Series (which I haven't written yet) and notes for the next book in the Light Warriors series (which I'll never write unless I get my rights back).

I also found notes of the research variety that must have been for a story idea? I just can't figure out which story. I'll look at them more closely, see if I can have a flash of inspiration on which book, and hopefully scan them into the correct folder.

There were also assorted Post-it notes attached to bigger pieces of papers with scraps of ideas on them. All that will get sorted through, too, and maybe used somewhere some day.

One more mystery to solve. I have a page to a knitting pattern in there. I have no idea which pattern. Every line appears to be crossed off which would suggest I'm done with the item I was knitting, so why did I keep this? There are a couple of sentences scribbled on it that don't make sense--could that be why?