I love the tote bag pictured to the left. However, this picture is now four or five years old and the bag is beginning to become worn. I would like to buy the same bag again, maybe with a zippered top this time.
LL Bean does not carry this tote bag any longer on their website.
I've been all over the internet looking for something similar. I never imagined it would be difficult. All I wanted was a simple tote with two pockets at the top of the bag for a reasonable price.
Apparently, I've asked for too much. ::confused face:: Many of the bags have no pockets at all or one simple zip pocket which isn't what I'm looking for. If they do have the slip-in pockets like this one does, they'll be positioned at the bottom of the bag. Why?
Then there's the size issue. I don't want a laptop bag. I don't want a travel bag. I'm not looking for a purse. I want a medium size tote bag. The one I have is 12" x 13" x 6" and it's exactly the right size.
Next issue? Price. I have actually managed to find a few bags that appeared to be what I wanted. I just needed to spend $250 for "vegan leather." Dude, that's vinyl and it shouldn't cost as much as real leather.
There is an option at LL Bean (again) that's a bigger than this bag by a few inches. Not optimal, but I could live with it and it has the pockets I like in the position I like. It also has a zipper on top which I've decided I need since I have to keep slamming on my brakes when I drive in Atlanta. (A story for another day.)
The reason I haven't bought it yet besides it being slightly bigger is the price. With tax, I wouldn't be surprised to see it going over $100. So I'm mulling this one over. And searching the internet some more for a bag that meets my criteria.
I wonder if I could sew my own?