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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Weirdness and Bling

I have a crazy amount of apps that count my steps. Four of them. What's even crazier is that at the end of the day, none of them agree with each other. Literally, no two are alike.

A couple of them show ads. :-( I don't like this, but I don't look at them often enough to pay to get rid of them. One of them, though, showed an ad that startled me. It was for drug rehab.

Do enough people who use fitness trackers have a drug problem to make this advertising provide a solid Return On Investment (ROI) or is this one of those things where the advertiser just buys space and an aggregator shifts it out to whatever apps it thinks are best? I have no idea, but it wasn't an advertiser I expected to see.

I've been doing shorter lengths for the virtual races because there's one through the Amazon rainforest that I bought and that one is long. Okay, there are two versions. One is sort of long and one is really long, designed for cyclists and marathon runners, but I'm planning to do the really long route because I want to see as much of the Amazon as possible.

But because this race will take most of a year to complete, I'm trying to finish all my other races first. I'm doing them shortest to longest. I have a few more left to go before I can tackle the Amazon.

I finished London, though, and I finished Conquer 2023. Conquer 2023 allows you to set your own distance--I picked 1300 KM--and I ran it concurrently with my other races, so it wasn't an actual race. You know I like my race bling!