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Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Trade In Ambivalence

I'm sort of feeling ambivalent.

My phone is nearly four years old. My battery life isn't what it once was and I'm charging a lot more often. And the memory... Well, I've been butting up against the memory issue for years now.

It's my fault. Not because I have a ton of pictures on there (although I probably do need to prune them), but because of all the podcasts I've downloaded, but not listened to yet. My podcast app is always number one on the list of storage users. And this is after I off-loaded all the podcasts from one of the writing podcasts I listen to.

I nearly upgraded last fall, but while I was dithering, the phone I wanted sold out and had a delivery date farther into the future than I liked. And then the roof needed some work and I used the phone money to fix that.

This year I did it, though. I ordered a new phone with 4 times as much memory as I have right now. Okay, so it was the baseline memory for the phone and not an add on. It's still 4x more than what I have now even if it is standard.

And this is where the ambivalence comes in.

This is my first personal smart phone. I ordered it at the start of the pandemic because the company was talking about taking away everyone's business cell phones for cost savings and I'd become too reliant on the thing. That's when I finally jumped in and ordered my own.

I tried to order white because all my work phones were black, but white was sold out. I wasn't that fussy about the color--I just needed a phone--and I ordered the yellow. I actually ended up really loving the yellow. It's a very pretty shade and I had a clear case, so I learned to love it.

This phone and I went through the pandemic together. Every bit of it.

Yes, I'm really excited to get a new, faster phone with a fresh battery and so much more storage, but I also feel sad about trading in my yellow phone. I never felt this way about the two business phones I sent back when I was upgraded at work.

As I write this, my phone is charging. Again. I know it's time, but yeah, feeling torn between yeah, new and shiny! and oh, no, I have to send away my phone.