Holiday weeks leave me so confused about my garbage day.
I've checked the garbage company's website and they say on holiday weeks, garbage day is one day late. Except that last Memorial Day, we didn't put out the trash for Wednesday, thinking they'd come on Thursday and guess who I saw?
That's right. The garbage truck.
Luckily, the way our neighborhood was laid out, I had a few minutes to run around the house, gathering garbage bags to toss in the can and run out to the curb. I barely made pickup.
And then there's Christmas week. I put my trash out on Tuesday. None of my neighbors did, though. And I'm left wondering if I messed up and trash day was moved to Thursday.
Indeed, they did pick up on Thursday. My question is how did all my neighbors know this, but I didn't? Why did garbage day move Christmas week, but not Memorial Day week? I don't have any idea.
I usually put my trash out early, too. Usually before most of my neighbors. I wonder if on holiday weeks if I should wait and watch how many trash cans are out? I just hate to be stuck in a position where I'm racing to beat the truck.