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Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Alternate Dimensions?

Did you ever have something so strange happen that you wonder if you jumped into a parallel universe? I did and it left me confused.

This isn't some major earthshaking event, but something so small, so inconsequential, that I couldn't understand what was going on. Or maybe that nothing was going on and my mind had stuttered.

What was this minor event that had me questioning the space-time continuum?

I turned into my driveway on there was a black piece of metal on my fence. I'd never seen it before and I would have because it stood out. 

My immediate reaction was what the hell is that?

I've pulled into my driveway literally hundreds of times and I'd never seen it before. I took a picture because what the hell?

It appears to be a black piece of metal and it's screwed into my fence. I didn't add it and I can't imagine why anyone else would attach it to the fence, but honestly, I'd never seen it before and it was the first thing I noticed when I pulled in the driveway. The first thing.

Just to verify I wasn't having a brain schism, I looked through my pictures and found one that included that same section of the fence from 2017. No piece of black metal.

What is this thing and who put it on my fence and for what reason? Argh!