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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bye, Bye Home Phone

It took me a little while to get around to it, but I finally canceled the home phone.

I posted about doing this last month, but I dragged my feet a little bit. Partly because it required a phone call and I hate the phone so much. Partly because of how intricately tied this phone was to my dad.

Canceling the line was nearly painless. The painful part was getting through the damn phone tree to talk to a person. OMG, I hate going through those phone trees because what I need is never what they understand. And the phone tree disconnected me the first time!

On the second time, though, I actually did get to talk to an agent and she was great! She even checked on how much it would cost me each month to transfer this phone number to my cell. Since it would double my cell phone bill (!!!!), I told her to just let it disappear into the ether.

The other nice thing that happened was I was given a monthly discount for a year on the TV service as a loyalty discount. I never even had to ask for it.

Although, I've been debating the television, you know? I almost never watch it. I'm usually streaming something instead, but now I can think about this for a year until the discount ends.