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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

It's Just the Way I Roll, For Now

Guess who injured their foot?

That's right. Me!

I stepped wrong and felt a pop. The pain was bad. Oh, so bad. I assumed it was broken. This is the same foot I broke in 2005 and ended up getting surgery to put a screw into it. Luckily, X-Rays showed no breaks.

However, the diagnosis is ligament damage. So as I write this, I have a charming little shoe that closes with three Velcro straps. It's open-toed for extra style points.

I'm currently on a strict walking restriction, but I had an appointment on a Thursday I needed to go to. I deliberately wore a bright pink sock with my charming shoe so that people would know I'm in a medical device. If I'd worn a black sock, I was afraid no one would see it and ask if I was okay.

Well, someone asked if I was okay anyway. It was sweet of the woman to worry about me, but I'm walking like a turtle because of my foot. There's nothing else wrong with me.

I have to tell you, though, the most frustrating thing in the world (for me at least) is being forced to walk slowly. There is no rushing anywhere, not anymore. I'm still trying to get used to everything taking longer.

The orthopedist says two weeks with restricted walking, and if the pain doesn't go away, then I'll end up with an MRI. Can they do an MRI on a foot with a screw in it? Hmm.