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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Reading Journal: Stamping is Hard

I think I might have to make a special Reading Journal image instead of repeatedly using "steampunk," but that's a project for another day.

After listening to two of my nonfiction books in audio format, I was ready to start filling in my reading journal. I printed the book covers on sticker paper, used my paper slicer to cut the length, and then used scissors to cut the vertical. I should have used the slicer on all of the cuts because straight lines are beyond my skill level, but that's a lesson learned.

I was debating whether to go with 3 inch covers or 2.5 inch. I opted for the larger height. I think that looks good. My book review silicone stamp set arrived and I was ready to go!

I pasted down the first two book covers, inked my stamp, and pressed down.

Stamping was not a success as you can tell from the picture above this paragraph. Too much ink on some parts of the stamp, not enough on the top. I also managed to get ink all over the acrylic block and all over my fingers. There was also some ink on my table.

Not cool.

I tried practicing on scrap paper, but I didn't get any better at it. I watched a few YouTube videos on how to stamp and tried again. Um. I might have an issue here. I still couldn't do it well and there was ink everywhere! No lie. It was especially bad on the acrylic block.

It got me wondering if maybe the block that came with my stamp set was too big. So I bought a smaller block, one that just fits the width of my stamp.

The picture shows the block I was using with the new, smaller block on top of it. The edges of the new acrylic block are wavy.

I haven't tried stamping yet with the new block. Part of me is worried that this didn't fix the problem because I don't know what to try next. Maybe I buy stickers, but that will make my journal swell in size. I just need to pick it up and give it a try. I can't do worse than I was doing previously.