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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Scribble, Scribble, Scribble

The first image is a picture of my 2024 weekly planner when it was brand new. I'm not a weekly planner girl. It doesn't work with my brain because I see things listed in the week and think the day they're assigned doesn't matter. I can do them whenever. That means I don't do them at all.

No matter how important they are.

But I bought this planner more for the monthly section and its size. This is a B6 which is very manageable, but not too small. My dad had so many doctor appointments and I'm not good at electronically managing schedules, so my plan was to keep track of all of that here and carry it with me. And then my dad died before 2024 started.

It became more of a notebook after that, but while I loved the paper, I wasn't using it often. And then it was August and new 2025 planners were about to come out and I was like, GAH!

I decided to start really using this notebook. In addition to the planning pages, there are like 370ish blank pages. I had a lot of work to do.

I had monthly tabs left over from 2021. I think that was one of the years I thought about bullet journaling? Maybe? I know I tried once in 2016 and gave it up quickly, but I have a package of mini calendars that say 2021, so I must have tried again. I used the tabs that only had the month on them to tab out the weekly sections.

My plan? I'm going to time track myself. Lots of work, work, and more work on there.

I also know I'm more likely to use something if it's pretty, so I printed out some vellums and pasted them into the book. This is the first month I added. August.

Between the OMG, I have all these blank pages, and I don't want to haul a 2024 planner with me and OMG, I love this vellum, I managed to start doing some journaling. It helped that I found some writing notes scribbled on the back of the information package I got when I had surgery in 2021.

I copied the notes. Shredded the surgery papers. :-)

I also really love using Post-it notes in my notebooks. Like really, really, really love. I've shared pictures of my writing notebooks filled with Post-it notes on top of pages filled with notes in the past. Here's a spread from this planner.

I picked this one to share because it's from a class I took online, and I don't have to worry about spoiling any of my books by sharing it. I usually never use the super large Post-it Notes for my notebooks, but I needed the extra room here.

And then I had another brainstorm. Since I love using Post-it Notes so much, why not use pretty Post-its? I had some white sticky notes, and I had free printable template with some pretty patterns, so I decided to run those through the printer and have them on standby, ready to go.

I know there isn't much room to write, but since I have a lot of blank pages to go through, that might not be a bad thing.

Journaling as fast as I can because 2025 is coming!