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Thursday, January 09, 2025

Journal Prompts and Journaling

One thing I see over and over in some of the planner communities I'm in is people posting either 1) asking how you fill a blank page when you want to journal or 2) saying how they buy these tiny-sized planners because they can't journal enough to fill an A5.

Um? Maybe it's because I'm a writer and I'm always facing a blank page, but it never even occurred to me to get locked up over journaling.

Journaling is like stream of consciousness as far as I'm concerned, and it's never taken much effort to barf it all out onto the page.

What's hard is telling a coherent story complete with character arcs, a suspense plot, a romance, and tying it all into the series the book is part of. :-)

I spent the last four months or so, maybe five months, of 2024 journaling in a B6 because it was one of my 2024 planners, and I wanted all the empty pages filled by the end of the year. I just bullet pointed parts of my day or thoughts I had.

Also, I have never in all my life seen so many people put their grocery lists in their planner until I joined larger planner groups. Why wouldn't you just download the store's app and put your list in that? It's easier to bring my phone to the store and the app will tell me exactly where my item is located. Dragging a planner to the store and not knowing that capers are on aisle 6 boggles my brain.

I literally always have my phone within reach and it's a simple thing to add an item to my app's grocery list. It also tells me if the item is on sale, something my planner definitely won't do.

And while I frequently cart my small planner around with me, my bigger planner stays on my desk, so it's not as if it's remotely convenient to add grocery items to it. Grocery list in planner just strikes me as incredibly inefficient. My goal is to get in and out of the grocery store as quickly as possible. I don't want to be wandering the aisles and going back and forth searching for something.

Um, anyway, journal prompts are helpful for blank pages. One of the best sites for journal prompts (IMO) is: TheCoffeeMonsterzCo. Some of the prompts are light and fun, some are more serious, but it's nice to have a mix and not a constant stream of heavy-work prompts.