In 2024, I was diagnosed with ADHD and suddenly my entire struggle made a lot more sense. I didn't suck at being an adult, I was operating in hard mode without realizing it. I watched a number of videos with experts giving life hacks for ADHD and discovered I already did all those things.
An example was create a station, a one-stop shop, so to speak. One of my stations is for coffee. Everything I need to brew a pot is right there. Everything I need to create my actual cup of coffee is right there.
I needed more tips and tricks. After doing some thinking on the matter, I came up with a multi-pronged solution I wanted to test out. It's likely pieces of it won't work and I'll have to go back to the drawing board, but I'm hoping at least some of it sticks.
Now that we're in 2025, I'm going to share some pieces of my new system for keeping myself on track.
Item one: Time tracking.
A very real problem I have is what I call time drift. I think only a few minutes has gone by, but it's much, much longer than that. I thought what if I kept myself accountable by recording what I'm doing in half an hour increments?
I bought a set of two booklets for 2025. One is January through June and the other is July through December. (Volume one is pictured above.) This is Traveler's Notebook size, but I don't have them in any kind of cover. Each volume has a vertical column with time blocks.
I hope that by making myself write down what I'm doing, that this will nip time drift in the bud. There's nothing worse than thinking ten minutes have gone by and realizing I've wasted two hours.
I'll post an update on how this is working, maybe when I finish the first booklet.