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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Halloween Hiding

On Halloween, I usually hide with the lights out and evade trick-or-treaters. My dad lives with me now, though, so I asked him a couple of weeks ago if he was going to hand out candy or hide. He said hide!

This surprised the hell out of me because my parents always handed out candy no matter what and chastised me for hiding with the lights out.

I reminded him that it meant no lights for the entire evening and asked him if he was sure. He said he was.

The night before Halloween--late--he says, maybe we should have bought candy. Since I had no plans to stop to buy candy on my way home from work the following day, I was like, oh, well. To say he was not equipped to deal with hiding out is understating things.

It started out okay. He was making dinner when I got home from work so we could eat early and wouldn't have lights on. Good. That was the last easy moment he had with Halloween hiding.

The highlight, though, was at 7:30. He said, it's dark now, the kids won't come anymore. We can turn on the lights. Um, no. Seriously. Kids trick-or-treat until 9:30 at night. He should know this after handing candy out for so many years. He argued with me briefly, but the lights stayed off.

Twenty minutes later, he wanted to turn the lights on again. Sigh.

My guess is that next year he'll be passing out candy because hiding in the dark seemed to be stressful for him. I don't get that. Stressful is answering the door, but then I'm very introverted and he's an extrovert.