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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Hardcover Notebooks


I'm in love with hardcover notebooks, but I only own a few because they seem too good to write just anything in. It's difficult to figure out what qualifies as special enough. But I started a pandemic journal when COVID first broke out, and after much dithering, I did use one of my hardcover notebooks.

As the months went on (and on and on) and I wrote in this book more and more, I realized that I didn't need a special reason to use a hardcover notebook. I could use one just because I like them.

It was revelatory!

I might have blogged before about saving the good things for special events, but notebooks seemed different from new slippers.

And the notebooks I bought that have the high quality paper? Why not use those, too? What's the occasion going to be? Why even own them if I'm not going to use them?

So that's my plan for 2020. I'm going to write in the good soon as I figure out what I want to write down.