Well, the writing ideas down wasn't always a complete success either. You see, I'd write it on the second page of the planner, flip over to another day, and totally forget to check it when it was time to blog. Some of these ideas aren't time sensitive and I can blog about them in the future, but others?
There were a couple of holiday movies that I never got to write reviews for. Christmas Chronicle (or is it Chronicles?) thumbs up. Christmas Chronicle/s 2, thumbs down. Maybe I'll rewatch them (at least the good one) and review it for Christmas 2021.
The other movie I watched around the holidays felt like a Christmas movie, too. The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past with Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner. It was okay. Not a bad way to spend a few hours if you have nothing else to do and Matthew McConaughey.
Then there are the four movies I watched that I could have reviewed any time, but have forgotten too many details to do this. These I will watch again and will review at the time, so I'm not giving away future topics. :-) There are times it's very hard to come up with anything to talk about.
I could talk about the book I'm writing, but I don't want to give away spoilers. I could talk about the series in general and I'd like to do this, but I have so many ideas and I've talked about them in the past on the blog and then I never wrote them. I hate to raise people's hopes and have them disappointed. I do have ideas for 7 more Jarved Nine books--really--but no time to write them.
There are other ideas I come up with, but when I try to write them, I realize there's not enough to say to fill an entire blog post. This is frustrating because I would like to bitch about this email thing that's cropping up online, but two paragraphs isn't going to do it.
Basically, I'm the poster child for blogging wrong. Sigh. Some day. Maybe. I can get a better grip on this.