So every day I have to go in and check off things and earn a green heart. One of the subjects is: Relationships.
My options are: No interactions. Some interactions. Many interactions.
I'm an introvert. Not just a little introverted, I'm a lot introverted. My ideal choice of those three options is SOME INTERACTIONS. But if I choose that one, I don't earn my green heart.
The only way to earn the green heart is to choose Many Interactions.
I'm like, my dudes, are you serious? This must have been created by extroverts because my idea of a horrible day is to have Many Interactions. After Many Interactions, I'm drained, crabby, and want to collapse on the sofa and watch television without anyone talking to me. This is a not a green heart feeling.
Some Interactions on the other hand is perfect for me. I'm energized, I'm happy, I'm able to be productive. And this gets me a yellow, warning heart.
So I lie. It's stupid.