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Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Quarterly Kanban Board Purge

I use a kanban board in my office to keep myself on track. In conjunction with my planner, of course. Every quarter, I take down all the old Post-it Notes and add new ones.

It's sad to pull down all the finished items. All that progress tossed away as if I hadn't worked so hard to write those chapters.

I also added those bright pink Post-its for the next book in the Paladin League series. Those millions of pink notes represent chapters that need to be written.

On the plus side, maybe it will encourage me to get to work when I finish revisions on Wicked Salvation. I want to move new notes to the finished section ASAP.

I probably should pull the purple, orange, and light yellow Post-its off the board since they're kind of back burner, get to them when I have time things. The orange ones are about organizing my office, but whenever I seem to accomplish one of them, it doesn't stay finished long before it's back up in To Do.

In case you missed an earlier blog post when I talked about it, the fourth book in The Paladin League series belongs to Kyle. You'll see a lot more of him in Griff's story this August!