To say I wasn't happy is an understatement.
There are some icons on my desktop that I want in one particular location. The shortcut to my Word Count Tracker? I want that on the far lower left so that it's never covered up by a Word document.
My shortcut to my Spelling Bee (it's a New York Times word game) spreadsheet is on the lower right. This leaves it visible when I have my browser window up, but hidden if I'm writing.
I also have shortcuts to programs I use on the left hand side of the icons and shortcuts to writing templates on the right hand side.
And nothing was where it belonged when I opened my computer. Argh!
Of course, there are a fair number of icons that I really don't care where they are because I rarely use them and don't have their spot memorized.
But I spent time today fixing my desktop, returning it back to the way I like it. I was irritated while I did it, but I did have a bunch of shortcuts on the desktop that I never use. Why am I keeping something on the desktop, cluttering up my space, if I never go into those folders that way? I deleted them. The folders are still there, just the shortcuts are gone.
I also discovered some documents I'd downloaded to my desktop and never put away into a folder that gets backed up, so I took care of that, too.
So as annoying as it was to have Windows rearrange everything, I guess it wasn't a big deal and it gave me the opportunity to lose a row of icons. The cleaner and less cluttered my computer desktop is, the better.