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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Missing My Birds

There are so many awesome things about working from home. In fact, everything about working from home is awesome, but one of the things I really started to enjoy was my birds.

I call them my birds because for two years running, they've nested in the tree near my office windows. And when I got to work from home every day, I was able to watch as the baby fledged from the nest and learned to feed itself.

It was better than checking out a bird cam online. The parents, both took care of the baby--at least from what I could see--and that chick needed their help. It kept screeching. I'm like, little guy, if you keep screaming like that, the predators are going to find you!

But mom or dad would fly in with food for the baby, feed it, and then it would be quiet for at least a little while.

Now that the trees are starting to bud, I'm watching for my bird couple to show up and nest in the tree again. I'm sad to work in the office for so many reasons, but missing out on year three of nesting season is definitely on the list.