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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fourth Quarter, New Board


There's something exciting about starting a new quarter and a new book around the same time. Every three months, I clean all the Post-it Notes from my finished section of the kanban board. Usually, I'm mid project and have a messy To Do section.

But I've been making notes and thinking about Deck's story. I don't have everything nailed down yet, but I do know I'm close enough to put Wicked Persuasion up on the board.

This quarter, I also cleaned off some repetitive tasks. Like vacuuming and dusting. Those Post-its literally can never go to the finished section because it's like an eternal struggle. I decided to stick with items that actually can be completed and stay completed.

Some have been up there for a while and probably will be up there for a while longer. I need to rewrite the back cover copy for some of my paranormal and Science Fiction Romance titles, but it's low priority compared to writing Deck and Frankie.

The class I took which hooked me on kanban boards was about only putting out what you can accomplish in the quarter. Or plan to accomplish in the quarter.

I don't like that.

I want to see it all laid out so I have scope.

For example, I'm anticipating that Deck and Frankie's story will be 38 chapters long--about the same length as Wicked Deception. So there are 38 green Post-its up, each representing a chapter.

I like watching that collection in the To Do section dwindle as I write. I might not keep the finished notes up after the quarter ends, so I can't get my sense of accomplishment there, but watching the top section get smaller? Priceless.