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Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Creating My Own Adventure

When I took my dad to the doctor a couple of weeks ago, I went over a speed bump a little faster than I intended and my car started making an intermittent pinging sound. Maybe from the entertainment console? But it stopped after a while and I didn't worry about it.

Then, last week, I started the car when I was leaving work and it pinged like it did after the speed bump. Only this wasn't intermittent, it was constant.

I turned the car off and back on again, but that didn't fix the problem. I decided to go home and mess with it there.

Only the constant pinging was driving me bonkers. Whenever I stopped at a light, I started pressing things and fiddling around with the entertainment system. Nothing fixed the issue.

I have one of those vent clip phone holders. At some point while I was fiddling, I was like OMG why is it so hot over here? It was right by the phone and my first assumption was that the charging cradle was overheating. I yanked the cord loose. The arms opened and I tossed the phone in the cup holder.

It didn't fix the problem.

More investigation showed that one vent was blowing air conditioning--as it was supposed to be doing--and the other was blowing out very hot air. I'm like don't tell me my air conditioning system is messed up now. I pressed climate buttons. The air kept blowing hot, but the pinging stopped. Win?

I was on the freeway when I noticed my side of the car was set at its normal temperature, but the passenger side was set to HI. Yes, the heat was blowing as hot as it would go on one side of the car.

Obviously, I touched something while I was trying to stop the noise. I reset the temp on the passenger side and the temperature returned to normal. That's about the time the next problem ensued. My GPS was rerouting me around a backup at my exit. Now I needed to see my phone, but the cord was unplugged and the arms were wide open which meant the phone wouldn't remain in place.

Yeah. I reached up and manually squeezed it closed. It didn't go all the way against the phone, but it was good enough.