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Thursday, December 08, 2022

Transfer Protocol

I started 2022 in a different company's planner than the one I've been using for years. As it turned out, this was a poor decision on my part. When my usual planner had a sale last February, I picked up their 2022 daily.

While I wanted to set up the late addition to my year, I never had time and I decided I can just work from both copies to carry over birthdays and anniversaries to 2023.

I'd just transfer over the old daily data so that my memory keeper would be complete.

Yeah. Months worth of daily lists and appointments all moved from the planner I abandoned to the planner I returned to.

Oh, I started doing it. I made it through a couple of days before I was like OMG! This stinks! I'll sit down and do it later. Because I did still want the year to be complete no matter how tedious it was to rewrite everything.

Well, guess what? I have my 2023 planner and now I need to finish moving everything from 2022 or forget about it entirely. I'm not willing to forget about it.

So on Saturday afternoon, I sat down and began transferring things again.

It's still tedious. The good news? I thought I had to enter most of March, but as it turns out, I began the second planner on March 1, so I only have to move over two months worth of information and February was a short month.

Yes, I am trying to convince myself how lucky I am. No, it isn't working. But I'm into February now, so I'm making progress.