I decided to organize two dresser drawers. Just two. Mostly because I'd bought some new clothes and it impacted those two locations and it was difficult to find anything in the one drawer.
It started out pretty well. I went to YouTube and found videos to fold in a space-saving way. It would take up less room than the current way I fold and I thought it would be a piece of cake.
Like I said, it started out okay.
The problem was that the new clothes meant I had to remove things from the drawer that no longer fit even with the new method of folding. No problem, I thought, once I handle the second drawer, there will be plenty of space.
There wasn't.
I now have clothes stacked on top of that dresser that currently have no home. What I need to do is clean and organize all my drawers. Donate some clothing. Trash the worn out stuff that I don't wear. I mean I have clothes that I wore in college and I'm pretty sure there are lots of available opportunities to prune the collection, right?
Where it becomes an Argh! for me is that I don't have time to do two dressers, a closet, and all my shelves inside the closet. Hell, I'd probably need to do the bathroom vanity, too. Somehow, my simple, quick, two-drawer project escalated into a complete wardrobe organization overhaul. Gah!