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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Fonts, Fonts, Fonts

I like fonts. It's fun to play with them and I use them to create things like flyers for charity events at work, graphics for the blog, and general creative ideas. I might stink at art, but I'm good with typography.

Except I like fonts a little too much.

I have a font manager because I have too many to put on my computer. If I tried, it would bog down the entire thing. I like my font manager and it's got a lot of useful tools, including categorization. Except that I have to manually put them into the categories (at least I haven't found a way for it to do it for me) and from the beginning I had an overwhelming number of fonts. Taking the time to categorize them? Who has that kind of time?

And then I had this idea for graphics. I knew the exact font I want and I'm sure I own it. The problem? I can't find it. Even with the font manager, it takes a long time to scroll through the fonts. They're sorted alphabetically and I'm in the Bs now.

I'm debating how badly I want to find this font for this project or if I can live without it. I'm stubborn. It might take me a while longer to give up.