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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Podcast Solution. Sorta?

I mentioned a while back about a podcast I was behind on--way behind--and that it was eating up storage on my phone. Storage I couldn't afford to lose because I am very tight on space. Because this podcast only has its episodes available for free for a limited time, I couldn't delete them and download them again later.

And episodes kept piling up. Every Tuesday, a new one would download and I'd be thinking, why can't you guys take a vacation???

Belatedly, it occurred to me that there must be some way to transfer the episodes off my phone to my laptop.That way I could go back and listen to them later, but not have my phone off-loading apps I don't use every day.

In the past, I tried the iTunes thing with Apple Podcasts and that was a PITA. I tried other podcast programs and resubscribing to the podcast, but that was a pain, too. The answer was to save it as a file.

If I could only figure out how.

Online search, right? Well, yeah. I have an iPhone and a Windows PC and I use Downcast as my podcast program, not Apple Podcasts, so let's make it complicated, right? The first result said to plug in the phone and use Windows Explorer. Could it really be that easy?

No. That didn't work at all. My iPhone never showed up as a drive.

Another suggested plugging the phone in and using iTunes like it was Windows Explorer. I almost never log into iTunes and it didn't recognize my Apple password. I reset it. Everything went fine on my phone. My iPad stopped syncing messages and I was trying to reply. Ninety minutes trying to get everything working there again.

Clearly, this wasn't going to work.

There was a lot more PITA stuff before it occurred to me to check out the Downcast site. It took a little digging, but I found out how to do it. Hurrah!

Mostly. Instead of dragging and dropping the nearly 100 episodes of this podcast to my drive, I had to export off my phone one file at a time. Yes, that's correct. I had to send nearly 100 episodes of the podcast from my phone one episode at a time.

Now that I'm caught up, I will keep off-loading the episodes to my hard drive and it won't be such a pain because it will only be one episode at a time going forward.

If I remember. Because I forgot until I was typing this. Got the episode now.