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Thursday, June 08, 2023

Planner Test Drive

I'm doing another planner test drive this year with a mid-year planner from The Paper & Plan Co.

My go-to planner is talking about switching to an UNDATED planner. While they've annoyed me with some of their changes in the past, undated is out. I'm not wasting all that time setting up the dates. The daily pages? Not a huge deal because I can do them one at a time. It's setting up the monthly overview that has me going nope, no way.

I did test drive a different planner company in 2021 and thought their planner worked well for me. I bought them in 2022 and went back to my original planner after two months. It makes me wonder if test driving this planner will give me an accurate picture of how it will work for me, but I decided to try anyway.

Undated is a deal breaker for me.

My test drive academic year planner just arrived, and since it's not July, I haven't used it yet, but there are a couple of things I really like and they are a page for Saturday and a page for Sunday. FULL pages. For each weekend day. The busiest days of my week. I think I might have found heaven.

Apologies for my less than adequate photography. I did actually buy a tripod with a light so I could take better pictures with my phone, but it's late at night when I'm writing this and I want to go to bed.

Anyway, you can see the day goes from 4am to 9pm and the Notes can easily be used as a To Do list. There's space to record meals and snacks (my current planner has this), water (my current planner also has this), and workouts. My current planner only has a checkbox for workouts, but I use an empty box area to record what the workout was.

What this planner doesn't have that I'm kind of missing: No checkboxes for the To Do list, although those little circles can maybe be checked off? No place to check off vitamins or mediation (something my current planner has). There's no space to record sleep, which is also in my current planner.

This test planner is also wider than my current planner, which I'm also not crazy about. Also, the paper quality isn't as good as what the planner I currently use, but it should be okay. I'll find out when I start writing in it.

I know I'm focused on the things I'm missing, but having full days for Saturday and Sunday? Priceless! Right now, I'm jamming everything in my weekend pages by writing really small. I've fantasized for years about finding a daily planner with full pages for Saturday and Sunday.

You know you'll get another post after I've used the planner for a while. I hope I like it lots because if my usual planner goes undated, I'll need to find something. More to come.