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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Adventures in Cleaning

My shower head has been driving me crazy. Tiny streams from some nozzles. Some nozzles having no water. Other nozzles spraying water sideways.

All my online searches suggested these issues were caused by the need to clean the shower head. The most frequent method was to put white vinegar in a baggie and fasten the bag around the shower head, letting it soak in the vinegar for...some sites said 1-2 hours. Some said 4-6 hours.

On Saturday, I decided to tackle this project. How hard can it be to put a baggie around the shower head?

I bet you can tell by this question that it's harder than it might appear. You would be correct.

It started out easily enough. I grabbed a quart baggie and the jug of white vinegar and headed for the bathroom. I hit a snag immediately. I couldn't reach the shower head.

Step ladder to the rescue. Almost as soon as I had the two-step ladder in place, my shower head decided to release water it was holding. It landed directly on the top step of the ladder. When I tipped it to get rid of the water, some of it went on the first step--the one I would be standing on to attach the baggie.

Undaunted, but irritated, I filled the baggie 3/4 of the way with the vinegar, clutched it with one hand, and climbed to the first step of the ladder.

Two new problems immediately became apparent. 1. I should have grabbed a bigger baggie. The quart size was a little small. It would go around the shower head, but required careful manipulation. 2. Filling the baggie 3/4 of the way was too much vinegar.

The shower head immediately displaced large quantities of vinegar--all over me. Shirt, pants, and shoes got a drenching. I had to change clothes and shoes.

The ladder got a second drenching.

In the video I watched, they used a rubber band to attach their baggie. I went with a large twist tie. As I fastened the bag in place, I kept imagining the twist tie coming loose and the entire bag hitting the floor...or maybe me and the ladder. I twisted and twisted and twisted.

Then I let it sit for four hours. I was a little worried since the shower head seemed to only be into the vinegar a little bit, but maybe it would be enough.

Guess what? It wasn't. There was no improvement at all. I'll have to try again with a bigger baggie.