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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Bye, Netflix

I said goodbye to Netflix.

I hardly ever watched, although there were a few shows I liked. Not enough time to sit and stare at the screen, and when I did have downtime, Netflix wasn't the first place I went for entertainment.

Basically, I was paying them and not using the service, but at the lowest ad-free tier, it didn't seem outrageous to pay monthly for the convenience of having them there at my fingertips when I felt like watching something.

And then I had an email telling me my rate was going up another $2 a month.

Um, no. My rate is now going to zero dollars because I'm cancelling my service. If I really, really want to watch something, I'll wait until I can rent it online somewhere. I rarely rewatch shows.

It also made me think about economics courses I had in college. I vaguely remember charts showing the cross between customers and cost. Netflix crossed my axis. Heh! Their price point no longer made it an attractive convenience, but an expensive luxury.

It's psychological, I'm sure of that, but hey, I was already waffling about subscribing to something I rarely watched and this pushed me off the ledge. Money Saved.

Bye, Netflix.