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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Past the Winter Solstice

We are past the winter solstice!

I'm in the northern hemisphere, so now my days are getting longer. I love the long days of summer and miss them horribly, but the worst is over.

My favorite time of year is from the spring equinox until the summer solstice. I love the daylight lasting longer and longer. When I lived in Minnesota, the daylight lasted even longer than it does in Georgia. We used to run around outside playing until nine o'clock at night because it wasn't entirely dark yet.

Fall equinox until winter solstice feels like a slog. I hate it getting dark so early. (Although nowhere near as early down here as in Minnesota!) Actually, in all honesty, I feel my spirits sag when we hit summer solstice because I know they days are getting shorter, but it really hits at the equinox.

I'm a summer person. I love warm weather and long days. My mood plummets once I have to put on long sleeves and a jacket? Ugh! I know there are people who lament the heat and humidity, but I spent most of my life in Minneapolis where the summers disappeared in a blink of an eye and winters were eternal. There's nothing anyone can say to dissuade my love of summer. :-)

And now we're past the shortest day and on our way to warm weather, green grass, leafy trees, and everything that's awesome!