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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

OneNote: Say What???

I've blogged in the past about how I keep everything straight in my books/series. I use a combination of Microsoft Excel and OneNote.

I knew there were two versions of OneNote--The app version and the Windows 10 version. I knew I had both of them on my computer. I assumed that when I saved or updated one of them, it would update both since they sync with the web.

Guess what? They do not sync with each other!

How did I find this out? I updated the app version to the latest and greatest to get all the bells and whistles and I was like, hey, where are the pages I created for Case and Nyx? How about Deck and Frankie? That's right. They were NOT there!


I can't tell you how many times I've been using the Windows 10 version and looking for something I knew I saved and could not find it. I'd search and search and it wouldn't turn up and I thought I was not remembering correctly.

Oh, I was remembering. I just didn't realize I'd saved it on the other version of OneNote. I found stuff today that I'd been searching for in the past. Lots of stuff.

When I finish blogging, I'm going to do an online search and see if there is some way to combine the two versions into one without deleting/copying over anything. This is a living document and I don't want to lose anything, but I also don't want to copy everything from one version to the other.