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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Logic Holes and Character Protests

I've blogged before a few times about how when I grind to screeching halt and can't get any words down, it always ends up being because I had my characters do something they wouldn't do.

The unfortunate thing is that it frequently takes me about a month to figure out why I'm not writing. I don't automatically assume I messed up.

But this time I did!

I wrote a scene in Case's Point of View (POV) and I thought it went well. The next scene was in Nyx's POV and I got nowhere. Like literally three paragraphs into the scene and I have nothing.

Frustrated, I went to bed that night and started thinking about it.

Did I immediately go eureka! I messed up in Case's scene? No.

But what I did come up with was some logic holes in the scene and once I looked at them, I was like, Case would never do that, not with Nyx's safety on the line.

That's when I said eureka! Or maybe I groaned that I didn't realize what the problem was hours earlier.

I'm not going to complain about a few hours, though, not when it usually takes weeks and weeks to work it out.

So the next day, I fixed the logic holes in Case's scene, did a little editing/revising, and boom! Next scene flowed smoothly. I'll take it.