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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Hair Disaster

Back when I was in college, I had a hair stylist who apparently was challenged when it came to using color. I was getting highlights in my hair at that time and (according to this stylist) the highlights pulled up too fast. She wanted to use color instead of bleach or whatever it was she used to get the streaks.

Being young, it never occurred to me not to trust her judgment. If I was going to get the same result with color, why not?

As it turned out, we didn't get the same result. The color stopped when my hair was a strange red shade. And because I was only doing highlights, they were red streaks in my hair. And to make it extra special, the color clashed with my natural shade.

What happened next was an odyssey that ended in the biggest hair disaster I have ever experienced. I ended up with super super blonde hair that was as dry as straw.

I tried all kinds of conditioners, left them in for increasingly long periods of time, but the straw-like dryness remained.

Someone at my part-time job found a solution. Slather mayonnaise on my hair, wrap it in plastic wrap and a towel, and sleep with it in. Wash it out in the morning and have soft hair again. I was desperate. I decided to try this method on a Friday night.

Everything was fine until about 5 a.m. on Saturday morning when I literally couldn't stand the smell of mayo one more second. Even though my time wasn't up yet for the hair wrap, I washed the crap out anyway.

And washed and washed. It seemed to take a really long time to get rid of the stench of the mayo.

On the plus side, I did have soft hair again. The plan worked.

The minus side? To this day, I can't stand the smell of mayonnaise.