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Thursday, June 06, 2024

Wherefore Art Thou Oz?

Book related, but not writing related topic today.

Oz, the hero of the book after Lurch's story, has long hair. Like really long. I didn't think much about this. My characters are in the driver's seat and I'm just along for the ride.

The long hair, though, became a huge issue while I was working with my cover designer. The photo sites she uses do not have any good options for men with long hair.

Literally none.

She asked me to see if I could find someone and I spent hours looking. Hours! And I ran into the same problem she did. There was one guy that could kind of maybe work except he didn't look hard and dangerous and Oz most definitely is both.

The other funny thing is that while I liked the heroine she put on the mock up, I wasn't excited about her hair style. I thought while I'm here, let me see if I can find a different heroine. Every image I liked for Ayla turned out to be the same model. I decided the hair wasn't an issue, not when my cover designer already found the right woman to portray the heroine.

We're still working on the cover, but the cover reveal will happen first for newsletter subscribers. If you want to join my list, you can sign up Here. Just scroll down a little to find the sign up form.